How do car insurance companies and the DMV monitor you?

Life Insurance - Car insurance is much more difficult to get after a DUI or DWI convection however its not impossible, just more expensive. In addition to higher car insurance rates and a limited choice of car insurance companies drivers who have been convicted of a DUI or DWI charge are also subject to monitoring for a certain period of time by both auto insurance companies and the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

How do car insurance companies and the DMV monitor you?

How do car insurance companies and the DMV monitor you?

Almost any driver convicted of a DUI or DWI charge will be required to file and comply with a SR-22 form before getting their driving privileges reinstated.

Have a DUI conviction and need a car insurance quote? Start here and compare car insurance company quotes to help find the best rates available for your unique profile!

The SR-22 form is a form requirement for high-risk drivers by a State’s Department of Motor Vehicles. If your license was suspended due to a high risk driving incident conviction (such as a DUI or DWI) you will not be able to renew or re-instate your drivers license until a SR-22 form is filed.

Other Post : Liability Insurance Motorcycle

The SR-22 is not a type of insurance but a rather a form proving you have proper financial responsibility in place which (depending on the state) means proof of sufficient car insurance, proof of a cash deposit with the state or even possibly verifiable funds in a CD. The exact requirements for the SR-22 form will vary depending on your state but most people simply opt to show proof of a car insurance policy.


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